2015 Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium

2015 Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium

Producing Forages In A Water Challenged World

Quick Summary

  • December 2-4, 2015 | Reno, NV
  • 2015 Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium, sponsored by the The UC California Alfalfa & Forage Systems Workgroup & Cooperative Extension Services of AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY.

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, December 2

8:00am-3:30pm Irrigation Workshop:
Principles of Irrigation Management in Forages


Principles of Irrigation Management in Forages

Moderator: Steve Orloff, UCCE Farm Advisor, Yreka, CA

8:00 Crop Water Demand, Use and Importance of Water Management in Forage Crops Suat Irmak, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE Video Slides (PDF)

8:30 Importance of Soil Characteristics to Water Relations Bob Hutmacher, University of California, West Side Research & Information Center, Five Points, CA Video Slides (PDF)

9:00 Importance and Limitations of Irrigation Scheduling Using ET Rick Snyder, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

9:30 Importance and Limitations of Using Soil Moisture Monitoring for Irrigation Efficiency Daniele Zaccaria, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

Irrigation Efficiency/Tools

Moderator: Daniele Zaccaria, University of California, Davis, CA

10:30 Understanding Irrigation Efficiency with Different Systems: How it’s Defined, Why it’s Important Eduardo Bautista, USDA-ARS, Maricopa, AZ Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

11:00 Managing Salinity: Principles and Practical Recommendations Steve Grattan, University of California, Davis, CA Video Slides (PDF)

11:30 Tools for Practical Irrigation Scheduling Troy Peters, Washington State University, Prosser, WA Video Slides (PDF)

Putting the Pieces Together

Moderator: Howard Neibling, University of Idaho, Kimberly, ID

1:00 Improving Surface Irrigation Practices on Farms Eduardo Bautista, USDA-ARS, Maricopa, AZ Video Slides (PDF)

1:30 Improving Sprinkler Irrigation on Farms Howard Neibling, University of Idaho, Kimberly, ID Video Slides (PDF)

2:00 Improving Drip Irrigation in Alfalfa: What We’ve Learned to Date Dan Putnam, University of California, Davis, CA Video Slides (PDF)

2:30 Putting the Pieces Together: How To Irrigate Alfalfa. Steve Orloff, UC Cooperative Extension, Yreka, CA Video Slides (PDF)

Innovations In Water Management

Moderators: Daniele Zaccaria, University of California, Davis, CA and Howard Neibling, University of Idaho, Kimberly, ID

3:30 Industry Panel CDFA’s SWEEP Program - Carolyn Cook, California Department of Food and Agriculture Slides (PDF)

Development of Advancements and Innovations - Dan Schueler, Senninger Irrigation Slides (PDF)

FieldNet, Pivots, Pumps - Chuck Powell, Lindsay Corporation Slides (PDF)

Drip Irrigation - Matt Hardigree, Jain Irrigation Slides (PDF)

Irrigation Management and Scheduling with Drip Irrigation in Alfalfa - Dennis Hannaford and Todd Rinkenberger, Netafim USA Slides (PDF)

Remote Environmental Sensing and Irrigation Automation - Brett Norman, AgSmarts Slides (PDF)

Toro’s Innovations and Education Tools For Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) - Inge Bisconer, Eric Baysinger and Matt Faulkner Slides (PDF)

Thursday, December 3

Main Sessions

Economics and Markets - Grande Expo C: Lower Level

Moderator Jay Davison, University of Nevada, Reno, NV

8:10 Hay Situation in 2015 and Outlook for 2016 in the Western States Seth Hoyt, The Hoyt Report, Ione, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

8:40 Dairy Trends as Affecting Hay and Feed Prices Bob Naerebout, Idaho Dairymen’s Association, Boise, ID Video Slides (PDF)

9:10 The Recent Economics of Drought, Milk, Exports, and Western Hay Markets Dan Sumner and Bill Matthews, Ag Issues Center, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

Water and Irrigation

Moderator Dan Putnam, University of California, Davis, CA

10:10 Strategies to Improve Productivity in a Water-Stressed Future Steven R. Evett, USDA-ARS, Bushland, TX Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

10:50 California’s Agricultural Regions Gear Up to Actively Manage Groundwater Use and Protection Thomas Harter, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

11:20 Impacts of Climate Change on Surface Water Supplies Rick Allen, University of Idaho, Kimberly, ID Video Slides (PDF)

Breakout Session I: Alfalfa Pest Management and Production - Grande Expo C: Lower Level

Moderators Rachael Long and Vonny Barlow, UC Cooperative Extension, Woodland, CA and Blythe, CA

1:30 Alfalfa Integrated Pest Management Vonny Barlow, UC Cooperative Extension, Blythe, CA Video Paper (PDF)

1:50 Toxic Plants to Livestock Steven Gallego, California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, CA Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

2:10 Weed Management in Grasses Earl Creech, Utah State University, Logan, UT Video Slides (PDF)

2:30 Recent Developments in Alfalfa Weed Control: Glyphosate-Induced Injury in RR Alfalfa and Sharpen Herbicide Steve Orloff, UC Cooperative Extension, Yreka, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

3:30 Management Options for Blue Alfalfa Aphids in California Alfalfa Larry Godfrey, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

3:50 Biology and Management of Clover Root Curculio and Stem Nematode In Alfalfa Ricardo Ramirez, Utah State University, Logan, UT Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

4:10 Developing an IPM Program for Controlling Pocket Gophers and Voles in Alfalfa Roger Baldwin, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

4:30 Managing Foliar and Root Rot Diseases of Alfalfa for Improving Yield and Persistence Deborah Samac, USDA/ARS, St. Paul, MN Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

Breakout Session II: Alternative Forage CropsModerator Anowar Islam, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

1:30 Cutting Irrigated Hay Costs by Using Soybeans Steve Norberg, Washington State University, Pasco, WA Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

1:50 Adopting Cover Crops for Soil Improvement and Grazing Steven Hines, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF) Slides (PDF)

2:10 Cereal Forages: A Tool in Managing Limited Water Resources David Wichman, CARC-Montana State University, Moccasin, MT Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

2:30 Grass, Legumes, and Grass-Legume Mixtures: Yield, Nutritive Value, and Soil Water Use Anowar Islam, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

3:30 Sorghum: An Alternative Feed, Hay, and Forage Jeff Dahlberg, University of California, Parlier, CA Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

3:50 Teff Hay: Recent Observations in the Southwest Mark Marsalis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

4:10 Using Chlorophyll Meter and Tissue Testing to Determine In-Season Nitrogen Needs in Timothy Hay Production Steve Norberg, Washington State University, Pasco, WA Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

4:30 Alfalfa Contributes More Nitrogen to Following Crop than Previously Thought Eric Lin, University of California, Davis, CA Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

Friday, December 4

Main Sessions

Forage Quality and Utilization

Moderator: Juan Solomon, University of Nevada, Reno, NV

8:00 Producing High Quality Hay for Horses Emily Glunk, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

8:25 Forage Quality and Utilization: Total Track NDF Digestibility David Combs, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

8:50 Forage Quality and Dairy Production: What Quality Attributes do we look for and why? Jed Asmus, January Innovations Inc., Lodi, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

9:15 Uniform Sampling Protocols for Single– and Double-Compressed Hay and Detection of a GMO Trait Dan Putnam, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

Hay Harvesting/Hay Management

Moderator: Mylen Bohle, Oregon State University, Prineville, OR

10:30 Costs of Owning/Operating Harvest Equipment Ben Eborn, University of Idaho, Soda Springs, ID Video Slides (PDF)

10:55 Influence of Harvesting Technologies on Quality and Yield Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

11:20 Humidity, Hay Moisture, and Harvest Management Paul Brown, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

11:45 Hay Preservation and Storage Losses Glenn Schewmaker, University of Idaho, Kimberly, ID Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)

CONTINUING EDUCATION The following CE credits have been approved. Please sign in/out of each session you attend to be eligible for credits. Sign in sheets will be provided in the meeting rooms of each qualifying session.

Certified Crop Advisor Approved CEUs:
Dec. 2 Irrigation Management Workshop: 8 hours Soil & Water Management
Dec. 3 Morning Session: 1.5 hrs. Soil & Water Management; 1.5 hrs. Professional Development
Dec. 3 Breakout: Alternative Forage Crops: 1 hr. Nutrient Management.; 1.5 hrs. Soil & Water Management; 1.5 hrs. Crop Management
Dec. 3 Breakout: Pest Management: 3.5 hrs. Integrated Pest Management
Dec. 4 Morning Session: 2 hrs. Nutrient Management; 2 hrs. Crop Management
Manure Management: 0
Field Tour: 4 hours professional Development (Educational Tour)

CALIFORNIA Pest Control Advisors
Dec 3. Breakout: Pest Management: 2.5 hrs. “Other”; 0.5 hrs. “Pest Laws/Regulations”

OREGON Pesticide Applicators
Dec. 3 Breakout: Pest Management: 2 hrs.

NEVADA Pesticide Applicators
Dec. 3 Breakout: Pest Management: 3 hrs. “General”; 0.5 hrs. “Law”

Soil & Water Management Care
8 hours CCA continuing education credits for workshop

The organizers of the 2015 California Alfalfa & Grains Conference wish to express their heartfelt thanks to the many sponsors of this year's conference.

  • American AgCredit
  • America's Alfalfa
  • Anderson Hay & Grain Co., Inc.
  • Bayer CropScience
  • Bowles Farming Company
  • Eureka Seeds
  • Farmers Business Network
  • Kemin
  • Liphatech, Inc.
  • Netafim USA
  • New Holland Agriculture
  • Progressive Forage Grower
  • Reinke
  • San Joaquin Valley Hay Growers
  • Sierra Testing Service
  • Top hay LLC

Primary Category

Secondary Categories
