Thurs, May 9, 2024 @ 7:30am - 1:30pm
- When?
May 9, 2024 - Where?
Department of Plant Sciences Field Facility, UC Davis
2400 Hutchison Dr., Davis, CA 95616
38.5390, -121.7800
View the agenda below, or click here:
7:30 | Sign-in | |
7:55 | Welcome and Introductions | Timothy Blank |
8:00 | Travel to stop 1 |
Small Grain Breeding
8:20 | Barley and Oat variety development and plot tours | Alicia del Blanco (UC Davis) |
8:35 | Travel to stop 2 | |
8:40 | Overview of UC Davis small grains breeding program | Jorge Dubcovsky and Xiaofei Zhang (UC Davis) |
8:50 | Semi-dwarfing genes, Rht25 and APL2 | Junli Zhang and Chaozhong Zhang (UC Davis) |
9:00 | Reduced allergenicity wheat | Maria Rottersman and Jorge Dubcovsky (UC Davis) |
9:10 | UAV use for improved efficiency in selections | Josh Hegarty (UC Davis) |
9:15 | Travel to stop 3 | |
9:20 | Wheat, triticale, and barley variety evaluations and plot tours | Josh Hegarty (UC Davis) |
Small Grain Agronomy
9:50 | Traits associated with yield stable small grain varieties | Josh Hegarty and Mark Lundy (UC Davis/UCCE) |
10:00 | Deficit irrigation and water productivity in small grains | Maya Shydlowski-Besmer and Mark Lundy (UC Davis/UCCE) |
10:10 | Agronomic considerations for winter cover cropping in annual systems | Sarah Light and Kosana Suvočarev (UCCE/UC Davis) |
10:20 | Tillage and perenniality effects on crop productivity and soil health | Kalyn Taylor and Mark Lundy (USDA/UC Davis/UCCE) |
10:30 | Digestate and hydrolysate effects on forage and grain yield response to nitrogen fertilizer in small grains | Valentina Roel Rezk and Cameron Pittelkow (UC Davis) |
10:40 | Herbicide resistant common chickweed in SJV of CA: New findings | Nicholas Clark (UCCE) |
10:50 | Travel to stop 4 |
Alfalfa Agronomy and Breeding
11:00 | Fall dormancy and protein extraction from alfalfa (handout) | Dan Putnam and Chris DeBen (UC Davis/UCCE) |
11:10 | UC alfalfa non-dormant breeding for the Central Valley, and Low Deserts (handout) | Charlie Brummer and Cree King (UC Davis) |
11:20 | The effect of almond shell mulch application on established alfalfa fields (handout) | Sarah Light (UCCE) |
11:30 | Strategies for deficit irrigation in alfalfa (handout) | Dan Putnam (UC Davis/UCCE) |
11:40 | Irrigation Management & Soil Moisture Monitoring in Alfalfa (handout) | Charles Janssen (UC Davis) |
11:50 | Discussion | |
12:00 pm | Travel to lunch | |
12:15 - 1:30 | CCIA Sponsored Lunch | |
12:30 | Acknowledgments and Remarks | |
UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences: Professor Daniel Potter | ||
UC Agriculture and Natural Resources | ||
CCIA: Directors Katy Soden and Timothy Blank | ||
California Wheat Commission: Executive Director Claudia Carter |